Dr. Anne Anderson Catchment
Goal #1: DAA Catchment staff will recognize and support the diverse learning needs of all students with demonstrated growth in literacy and numeracy. Progression towards this goal will be triangulated through teacher and school assessments, large-scale division/provincial measures, and the Alberta Education Assurance survey data.
Goal #2: DAA Catchment staff will engage in meaningful professional learning to build capacity to further support and enhance the educational experiences and achievements of First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students. Progression towards this goal will be measured through school, catchment, division, and the Alberta Education Assurance survey data.
Goal #3: DAA Catchment schools will continue to support students and staff through engagement in authentic experiences that nurture belonging, social, emotional, and physical well-being. Progression towards this goal will be measured through school, catchment, division, and the Alberta Education Assurance survey data.