Information Overview
Welcome to Dr. Anne Anderson School! We are committed to making sure that you feel ready and prepared to make the move to high school.
Please see this video for more information about our school programming and student life.
Labour Action Updates
Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.
Welcome to Dr. Anne Anderson School! We are committed to making sure that you feel ready and prepared to make the move to high school.
Please see this video for more information about our school programming and student life.
The Board of Trustees values youth voice and leadership, and has approved the establishment of a Student Senate. The Student Senate provides Division students with the opportunity to meaningfully engage in the democratic process and collaborate on educational issues and initiatives that matter to them.
Each Division high school is eligible to have up to two students sit on the Student Senate. An aim of the Student Senate is to reflect the broad diversity represented in our Division’s student population. All eligible students with an interest in leadership, gathering and sharing student voice, and education issues are encouraged to put their names forward.
To be considered as a nominee for the Student Senate for Dr. Anne Anderson High School, please read the criteria and responsibilities document and complete the enclosed application form. All applications can be emailed or shared with our assistant principal, Mr. Daniel Card, by Friday, June 11th.
Read more...Work continues to prepare Dr. Anne Anderson School for our opening in the Fall of 2021. Click on this link to view the Spring Update for the latest information.
Enjoy this presentation which gives you a glimpse of our new school.
Check out this brief update on school happenings by watching this video:
We know that Covid-19 has changed a lot of things for our students and community. What hasn’t changed is how excited we are to get to know you! We look forward to welcoming all of you; however, we need to wait to see what health restrictions are in place for the fall before we share more specific information about our office hours/opening date, wellness procedures, as well as back-to-school orientations and welcome activities.